A Fun FFA in Napoleonic era expansion beta

Posted by BLUECRASH On Saturday, July 24, 2010 4 comments

first FFA on the expansion was a bit weird at start but then it got interesting to recover very good the eco with United states civi witch I was using . did monopoly what made red and ornage kill
me fast.The FFA was win by Latinozz after he discover the wagons of the civi he was using (POLES) ornage was using the Prussians

check out the HP on this Teutonic Knights oranges was doing

good Prussians deck by orange

Latinozz took the victory after he almost die at game start.


Anonymous said...

looks good

Latinozz said...

hahaha sweet win

Sarkoite said...

yeah... i should not let's you your chance latinozz..-_- i should kill you when you was criying at my feet! :O :@ LOL GG :P Let's go all download NE it's very a nice game!:)

Latinozz said...

hmm that was my first time with poles.. didnt knw that war wagons could train infantry... like damios... and i was havin trouble trying to figure out the eco and inf... ahhaha.. well u got u in mid game u was dying wen bluecrash did monopoly.. he saved u there.. ahhaha but good game

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