Napoleonic-era BETA is done

Posted by BLUECRASH On Friday, July 23, 2010 3 comments


Napoleonic Era features a great deal of new gameplay elements, returning a few well-missed elements from Age of Empires II, like removing the limit of builders working on one building, improving the arsenal, and new abilities for Explorers. It includes eight completely new civilizations, the Italians, Prussians, Austrians, Americans, Swedes, Poles, Inca and Swiss. It also redesigns the existing French and German civilizations.

These civilizations are very different from each other, most receive a new AI personality, new technologies, new cards, and the new ones receive their own Homecity. All of the new civilizations and most of the existing ones get many new unique units, in addition to several new standard units. All these new units have had amazing care put into them to make them as distinctive, realistic and interesting as possible. Even new campaigns are part of the Napoleonic Era Mod. Furthermore the game incorporates usage of Matthew Sher's Unit Upgrades Modpack, so that the units from the original game upgrade in every age. To fit the new theme of the wars occurring in Europe, Napoleonic Era includes many new random maps, e.g. from Europe, America and even other places around the world, many of them consist completely new native allies like Finns or Greeks.


is recommended that you download the Fan Patch as well since the fan patch will help you to boot original TAD back with there booting menu.THIX Alexastor.Matthew Sher,Seraphim,Tilanus Commodor,Yomgui and the Assistants for this great mod hope get fully integrated to the game


Anonymous said...

fucking rocks

Anonymous said...

dam the Austrian can rush fast

Anonymous said...

godsh this is so sick so far love the americans civi

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