The Forgotten Empires full mod Release

Posted by BLUECRASH On Sunday, October 3, 2010 14 comments

after long and hard work the guys form GNRC(global no rush community) have finish there great mod for AOE3 TAD "The Forgotten Empires"! get the mod on there site at


Anonymous said...

I dislike this mod

Latinozz said...

man this sucks my account was hacked.. i emailed Robot> telling all what happened and they fucking banned my account.. damn tifts..

Anonymous said...

noob <0,0>

Latinozz said...

man my account was hacked and they changed all my info.. so i sent a email to robot. they asked alot of shit like email used to register account. original secret question. original answer. cd key. product ID. IP address of comp used to create account. network IP. i gave that rat all he asked.. he kept on saying the same shit over and over again,, email age3support and tell them ur problem. i was like man fuk u told me that shit like 16 times already u tard.

Latinozz said...

then i got a email saying my account was banned reason "account theft" i asked him wtf he banned my account. and he said because we have to find out whats going on with ur account. omg u fuking retard i told u 20 already. some1 hacked and changed my Email. and all my info.

Latinozz said...

i asked how long it was going to take and the retard said there was no timeframe for account thefts.. i was like wtf u mean account theft u retard i emailed u because u told me too. and u so damn retard that cant even solve a simple problem.


i gest Bye Bye latinozz!

Latinozz said...

is about time this game is fucked anyways..

i found out who hacked my account. and and the end robot said i had 6 diferent accounts. i looked up the nicknames they gave me in the site and say those users dont exist. man asking them for help is not a good idea. trust me. they gona fuck you up. just to sell another copy of the CD

Latinozz said...


Anonymous said...

cod is for low iq people

Latinozz said...

sup sukas

Latinozz said...

im back and reloaded sukas tne new call of duty rules i just killed fidel castro in campaign

Latinozz said...

HELLO niqqas sorry... i forgot about u noobs.. but i have a life to take care of... thats what pussy does gets u in a shit load of problems....

Anonymous said...


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