what the FAN PATCH has

Posted by BLUECRASH On Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1 comments

Maps edited for chiefly resource balance
all maps are playable on rated games

  • California
  • Great Lakes
  • Great Plains
  • Ozarks
  • Patagonia
  • Sonora
  • Texas
  • Yukon
Maps edited for resource balance and balance of natives
  • Mongolia
  • Saguenay
Map edits for resource balance and minor design change
  • Himalayas
  • New England


Competitive Maps: added Himalayas and Silk Road, removed New England and Yucatan.

  • Mercenary Loyalty now makes mercenary shipments 40% cheaper, and all saloon units 10% cheaper.
  • Rifling now adds +×0.5 against Light Cavalry, and costs 300 wood and 300 gold.
  • You now get a free native embassy travois the first time you ally with a native tribe.
  • Asian civilizations can now construct native embassies.
  • Bishop politician now provides 2 Settlers, 1 Priest, and 1 Church Wagon.
  • Priest and Imam changes: Cost reduced to 150 gold (down from 200), train points reduced to 30 (down from 40), hit points reduced to 250 (down from 360), healing range increased to 14 (from 12), healing rate now increases by age (+20% in Fortress, +30% in Industrial, and +50% Imperial).
  • British consulate gives +5% boost instead of +10% boost.
  • Intervention while allied with British Consulate changed from 9 Redcoats to 8 Redcoats.

  • Eagle Knight speed increased to 6.5 (up from 6.0).
  • Temple of Centeotl Support now costs 500 food, provides 8 Macehualtins, and grants a +×0.75 multiplier against heavy infantry.
  • Steel Traps set to obtainable.
  • Farm upgrades (GreatFeast, HarvestCeremony, and GreenCornCeremony) no longer affect huntables.
  • War Hut provides +5 population space (for Aztec War Hut only).
  • 5 Coyote card to 6 Coyote card.
  • Yeoman card now only grants +2 range and LOS for Longbowmen.
  • Guard Longbowman upgrade (available through Yeoman card) now grants +2 range and LOS for Longbowmen.
  • Manor cost increased to 145 wood.
  • Manors now provide 15 population.
  • Manor build limit changed to 15.
  • Keshik modifiers changed to ×3.5 against heavy cavalry and ×2.8 against Coyote Men (up from 3.0 and 2.4).
  • Mongolian Scourge card changed to provide only +×0.5/0.4 for Keshiks (down from 1.0).
  • Steppe Rider obstruction radius changed to 0.65 (down from 0.79) and cost changed to 80 gold.
  • Banner army costs recalculated accordingly (Standard Army and Mongolian Army both down from 170 to 160 gold).
  • Old Han Army Reforms changed to +25% cost and +50% hit points/damage for Chu Ko Nus and Qiang Pikemen (down from +50% and +75%).
  • Chu Ko Nu cost changed to 90 food. Banner Army costs recalculated accordingly (Standard Army and Old Han Army both up from 255 to 270 food).
  • 11 Changdao Swordsmen shipment changed to 10 Changdao Swordsmen.
  • 14 Qiang Pikemen shipment to 13 Qiang Pikemen.
  • 5 Meteor Hammers shipment changed to 4 Meteor Hammers.
  • Increase Arqubuser by cost of 10 coin.
  • Steppe Rider hit points increased by 15.
  • Royal Mint and Textile Mills cards add +10% to bank auto gather rate.
  • Bank hit points reduced from 4000 to 3500.
  • Ruyter cost changed from 30 food/75 coin to 45 food/65 coin.
  • Shipment bonus completely removed.
  • Coureur Des Bois ranged resistance reduced by 0.1.
  • Coureur Des Bois cost now 125 food (up from 120).
  • Wallenstein's Contracts now costs 1000 gold, makes mercenary shipments cost 40% less and arrives 50% faster.
  • Increased Settler Wagon multiplier against huntables by x1.
  • Sepoy hit points reduced from 190 to 180.
  • Mansabdar Sepoy hit points reduced from 380 to 360.
  • TEAM 5 Urumi changed to 4 urumi, and food cost reduced from 600 to 500.
  • 9 Sepoys card changed to 8 Sepoys.
  • Ghurka automatically upgrade to Disciplined Status when India advances to Fortress Age.
  • Steel Traps set to obtainable.
  • Farm upgrades (GreatFeast, HarvestCeremony, and GreenCornCeremony) no longer affect huntables.
  • 100 wood removed from starting crates.
  • Bushido Principles cost changed to 500 Export (from 250).
  • Close Combat card changed to instead increase Ashigaru damage against cavalry (previous 15% hit point boost removed).
  • Yumi Archer ranged damage reduced by 1 (from 19 to 18).
  • Shrine cost changed to 130 wood. Experience points adjusted accordingly.
  • Explorer teleport regeneration 30% slower.
  • Shrines provide now provide 15 population.
  • Shrine build limit set to 15.
  • Villager build limit increased to 80.
  • Janissary hit points increased from 210 to 225, and melee bonus against heavy cavalry and Coyote Men increased to ×2.5 and ×2.0.
  • Janissary Combat card now provides a 20% boost to Janissary damage and hit points (up from 15%).
  • Light Artillery Hit Points changed to Cavalry Hit Points (substituted content of card for Iroquois card to make it easy).
  • Abus Gun train time reduced to 36 seconds (down from 40).
  • Guard Abus Gun upgrade now provides +2 range and line of sight for Abus Guns.
  • Ottoman Marksman politician now provides 5 Abus Guns (up from 4).
  • Ottoman base Settler build limit increased to 35.
  • Topkapi cost changed to 300 wood and gold, and now provides +20 settler build limit.
  • Tanzimat cost chaged to 300 food, wood, and gold, and now provides +25 settler build limit.
  • Koprulu Viziers cost changed to 175 of each resource (down from 200 of each).
  • Abus Gun minimum range for ranged attacks decreased to 2 (down from 4).
  • No changes
  • +1 starting food crate.
  • +2 Range for strelets with veteran upgrade.
  • Bow Rider hit points reduced to 230 (from 250). Ranged multiplier against heavy cavalry and Coyote Men reduced to ×2.25/×1.8 (down from ×2.75/×2.2).
  • Elite Bow Riders upgrade now increases Bow Rider multiplier against heavy cavalry and Coyote Men to its former level.
  • 4 villagers card changed to 5. This is accomplished by switching around the two native colonial age villager shipments.
  • Steel Traps set to obtainable.
  • Farm upgrades (GreatFeast, HarvestCeremony, and GreenCornCeremony) no longer affect huntables.
  • All non-military unit shipments provide bison.
  • Cetan bow speed from 4.0 to 4.5
  • Effect of Unction reduced to 4% per Missionary.
  • Missionaries subject to same changes as for Priests and Imams, but cost is changed to 75 wood and gold (down from 100 each), and hit points are reduced to 225 (down from 300).
  • Receives free gang saw upgrade from start of the game.

  • Apache Cavalry ranged resistance reduced to 20%.
  • Apache Warrior Society upgrade now grants +×1 multiplier against artillery.
  • Apache Raiding upgrade now grants +×0.5 against both villagers and heavy cavalry (down from +×2 vs villagers).
Bhakti (including home city version)
  • Added CoyoteMan class.
Carib (including Ambusher and home city version)
  • Increased range and LOS by 2.
Cherokee (including home city version)
  • Increased ranged resistance to 20% (up from 10%).
  • Decreased hit points to 200 (down from 230)
  • Increased range and LOS by 2.
Cheyenne (including home city version)
  • Increased ranged resistance to 20% (up from 10%).
  • Increased all hand attack damage by 1.
  • Increased build limit to 12.
  • Cheyenne Fury upgrade now grants +×0.5 against infantry (changed from +×1 against cavalry).
Comanche (including home city version)
  • Increased hit points to 230 (up from 200).
  • Cost changed to 90 food 60 wood (from 70/80).
  • Ranged attack multiplier set to ×3 versus cavalry and ×2.4 versus coyotemen.
  • Increased build limit to 12.
  • Trade Language upgrade cost changed to 100 of each resource, research time to 30 seconds, and now reduces all upgrade cost by 10%.
Cree (including home city version)
  • Reduced hit points to 210 (from 300).
  • Increased ranged resistance to 20% (from 10%).
  • Reduced cost to 40 food 60 wood (from 40 food 80 wood) and bounty changed accordingly.
  • Increased build limit to 16.
  • Bolas Warrior volley attack changed to 14 range, 10 damage (but damage cap remains at 16), and 2 damage area. LOS increased by 2.
  • Road Building upgrade cost reduced to 200 food and gold, effect reduced to +10% infantry speed (down from +20%).
  • Metalworking upgrade cost reduced to 150 food and gold, effect increased to +25% mining rate.
Jesuit (including home city version)
  • Conquistador ranged attacks increased to 19.
  • Smokeless Powder upgrade cost reduced to 200 food and gold, effect increased to +35% siege damage (from 250 each and +30%).
  • Christian Schools upgrade now available in colonial age.
  • Hit points reduced to 200 (from 230).
  • Ranged attack range increased by 2. LOS increased by 2.
  • Build limit increased to 18 (from 13).
  • Huckleberry Feast upgrade cost increased to 200 wood and gold, but effect also increased to 1 food crate per every 2 game minutes.
  • Multiplier against cavalry increased to ×3 and against coyoteman to ×2.4.
  • Build limit increased to 18.
  • Speed reduced to 4.5 (from 5).
  • Hit points reduced to 140 (from 200).
  • Ranged resistance increased to 20% (from 10%).
  • Cost reduced to 40 food and wood (down from 60 food and 40 wood). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Build limit increased to 22 (from 15).
  • Ranged attack range increased to 14 (from 12). LOS increased by 2.
  • Navajo Weaving upgrade cost reduced to 100 wood and gold (down from 100 wood and 250 gold).
Nootka (including home city version)
  • Hit points reduced to 180 (down from 200).
  • Damage for hand attacks increased to 11 (5.5. for cover attack), and multiplier against cavalry and coyoteman changed to ×3/×2.4.
  • Build limit increased to 18.
  • Warchief multiplier against cavalry and coyoteman increased to ×3/×2.4.
  • Ranged attack range increased to 16. LOS increased to 18.
  • Build limit increased to 18.
Shaolin (including home city version)
  • CoyoteMan class added.
  • Hit points reduced to 175 (down from 185).
  • Hand attacks increased to 17 (8.5 for cover attacks).
  • Build limit increased to 16.
  • Dim Mak upgrade effect changed to +20% attack and +10% speed. BUG FIXED: Dim Mak now also affects home city rattans.
  • Wood Clearing upgrade cost reduced to 150 food and gold (down from 200).
Sufi (including home city version)
  • Cost reduced to 200 food and 70 wood (down from 200 and 80). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Build limit increased to 7.
  • Fasting increases all gathering rates by 10%, and now reduces villager hit points by 30% (down from 40%).
Tupi (including home city version)
  • Hit points increased to 85 (up from 80).
  • Ranged resistance increased to 30% (up from 10%).
  • Build limit increased to 18.
  • Animal Lore now enables Pet Cougars at Explorers, Warchiefs, or Monks rather than at the Town Center.
Udasi (including home city version)
  • Train time reduced to 30 seconds.
  • Ranged attack range increased to 12 (from 10).
  • Build limit increased to 14.
Zapotec (including home city version)
  • Cost changed to 50 food and wood (from 40 food, 60 wood).
  • Hit points reduced to 190 (from 210).
  • Build limit increased to 21.
  • Hand attack increased to 15 (7.5 for cover attack).
  • Sohei build limit increased to 19.
  • Meritocracy cost reduced to 250 food and gold (down from 300) and effect increased to -25% cost for unit upgrades (up from -20%).

Comanchero (and Asian version)
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 7).
  • Hit points reduced to 150 (from 225).
  • Train points reduced to 35 (from 60).
Dacoit (and Asian version)
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 5).
  • Cost increased to 105 gold (from 90). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Speed reduced to 4 (from 4.5).
  • Train points reduced to 33 (from 50).
Blind Monk (and Asian version)
  • Cost reduced to 100 gold (from 120). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Train points reduced to 30 (from 33).
Pirate (and Asian version)
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 6).
  • Train points reduced to 33 (from 40).
Pistolero (and Asian version)
  • Cost increased to 100 gold (from 80). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Speed reduced to 4 (from 4.5).
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 5).
  • Train points reduced to 33 (from 40).
Renegado (and Asian version)
  • Cost increased to 120 gold (from 90). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 6).
  • Train points reduced to 35 (from 40).
  • Ranged attack reduced to 25 (from 40).
Smuggler (and Asian version)
  • Cost reduced to 100 gold (from 115). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Population reduced to 3 (from 4).
  • Train points reduced to 33.
Thuggee (and Asian version)
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 6).
  • Hit points reduced to 150 (from 210).
  • Train points reduced to 36 (from 40).
  • Ranged attack reduced to 26 (from 40).
Wokou Horseman (and Asian version)
  • Population reduced to 4 (from 6).
  • Cost reduced to 160 gold (from 180). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Train points reduced to 40 (from 70).
Wokou Ronin (and Asian version)
  • Cost reduced to 150 gold (from 200). Bounty changed accordingly.
  • Hit points reduced to 300 (from 400).
  • Hand attack changed to 20 (cover to 10) and ×2/×1.6 multiplier against cavalry/light infantry given.
  • German Advanced Dock now properly makes ships train faster.
  • Fortress Age Consulate units now properly upgrade.
  • Spanish Consulate Nanban Trade tech now properly affects Asian trading posts and XP from trading posts.
  • Wokou Junks now receive their intended broadside attack.
  • 3 Li'l Bombards shipment now has its proper icon.
  • Changed icon for Iroquois wood working card to not duplicate Sioux card.
  • Consulate artillery units now upgrade their names properly in the Industrial and Imperial Ages.
  • Chinese can now research the Imperial Cannon upgrade at their factory.
  • Chinese can now only build 1 Blockhouse if they research the tech at the Consulate.
  • Upgraded Carib units now named properly.
  • Old Ways card now properly decreases cost of the Aztec Big Button tech at the firepit.
  • State Religion tech now properly available at the church.
  • British, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese can now only ship Mercenary Loyalty once.
  • Fixed bug where longbowman range upgrade only applied in volley mode.
  • TEAM Cheap Church bug with Mass Cavalry technology fixed.
  • Fixed bug where Andes only gives one Cherry Orchard Rickshaw.
download it at sanctuary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

000123 I come back and forth from it

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