78Corvette wins FFA with Spain

Posted by BLUECRASH On Saturday, July 3, 2010 5 comments

It crazy how does Spanish Missionary heal units so fast .


Anonymous said...

why is it that this guy uses same color avatar en even on the same clan has Hubbs83

Anonymous said...

is cuz hes hubbs u dumb shit, i raped him wit that acc to so no matter. im beter anyways

Anonymous said...

lol well this is Hubbs and anytime you want a game anonymous just wisper me and I'll show you who your daddy is.

Anonymous said...

Monks work better for me

Anonymous said...

haha im latinozz and i showed who u daddy was in those ffa that u teamed me and u ended up dead at my feet... 3 times 3 wins haha.. and i suk .. but if i suk... no words for yall...

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