INTERCEPT's Sioux Wall

Posted by BLUECRASH On Saturday, June 26, 2010 6 comments

you all probably have seen intercept on a FFA and his Wall of corals using Sioux but what about the tepees spam Forward Base boosting his units attack.This is one of the best Sioux players i have seen keep the good work dude .


Anonymous said...

that a good way to get wood spend ;-)


this guy rules

Anonymous said...

hahahaha bluecrash and hes stupid site. i wonder if he ever won a ffa?. noobs like him are a shame for this game. he always mad at something dono why.

Anonymous said...

jab! this sounds like jab hehehehe

Anonymous said...

no noob u suk like crash too jab.... imaging who it is u filty noob.. im more nurture than all of ya... i dont need manipulation to win if i wana rape u i just go and kill u... no need of askin for help, im to good for that.. thats why they all hate me cuz im tenasious...

Anonymous said...

Yes, my corral walls will rape your mind... While my siouxnuke rapes your base

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